姓 名: 周阳
性 别: 女
出生年月: 1989年9月
职称/职务: 讲师 / 硕士生导师
学位/学历: 博士 /博士研究生
邮 箱: y.zhou@huanyatiyu.net
2023.01至今,环亚体育-环亚娱乐-环亚平台 ,讲师
2015.05-2015.12,Port of Rotterdam,Data Management
英语:大学英语四级(616),大学英语六级(648),专业英语四级(优秀),专业英语八级(合格),上海英语高级口译(合格),Business English Certificate Vantage,IELTS
[1] 2023.09-2025.08, 数字化教育背景下航海技术青年教师教学能力提升方法与途径研究. 湖北省教学改革研究项目, 主持.
[2] 2023.09-2025.08, 智能船舶背景下《船舶操纵与海上搜救》课程教学内容改革与实践. 校级教学改革研究项目, 参与.
[3] 刘克中, 周阳, 刘成勇, 张进峰, 贺益雄, 陈立家, 陈鹏飞. 航海技术专业校企协同育人的路径与模式. 航海教育研究. 2024,41(1): 1-8.
[4] 2024.04, 环亚体育-环亚娱乐-环亚平台 第十二届青年教师教学竞赛, 一等奖(1/1).
[5] 2023.09, 武汉理工大学第三届课程思政微课大赛, 一等奖(1/1).
[6] 2023.04, 第二届“交通强国,思政领航——交通运输类专业课程思政教学研讨会”, 一等奖(5/6).
[7] 2016.01, 船舶值班与避碰(第二版), 武汉理工大学出版社, 主编(3/3). (2026.06获批首批“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材)
[1] 2024-2026, 交汇水域跨尺度船舶行为演化机理与建模方法研究, 湖北省自然科学基金(青年项目), 主持.
[2] 2024–2026, 内河水域跨尺度船舶行为演化机理研究, 武汉理工大学自主创新研究基金项目, 主持.
[3] 2023–2024, 长江南京段特定水域船舶航行安全研究, 企业委托, 主持.
[4] 2022–2024, 基于速度空间的多船碰撞风险辨识方法, 国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金项目, 参与.
[5] 2023–2024, 中化泉州石化30万吨级原油码头进港航道同一潮水乘潮靠离泊两艘及以上VLCC通航评估, 企业委托, 参与.
[6] 2023–2024, 加纳塔科拉迪浮船坞项目船舶操纵试验研究, 企业委托, 参与.
[7] 2018–2019, SmartPort 2017 Grant, Nautical traffic management: nautical traffic modeling, 参与.
[1] 2024.02, 琼州海峡客滚港口布局规划关键技术及应用, 中国航海学会, 2023年航海科技进步奖二等奖, 省部级二等奖(7/10).
[2] 2023.07, 第十二届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛, 华中区预赛三等奖, 第二指导教师.
[1] Yang Zhou. Ship Behavior in Ports and Waterways: An Empirical Perspective, Haveka BV, 2022.12.
[1] Zhou, Y.*, Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S. Ship behavior during encounters in ports and waterways based on AIS data: from theoretical definitions to empirical findings. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 272: 113879.
[2] Zhou, Y.*, Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S. Impacts of wind and current on ship behavior in ports and waterways: A quantitative analysis based on AIS data. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 213: 107774.
[3] Zhou, Y.*, Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S. Review of nautical traffic models from vessel behavior modelling perspective. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2019, 105: 323-345.
[4] Zhou, Y.*, Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S. Ship classification based on ship behavior clustering from AIS data. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 175: 176-187.
[5] Liu, K., Wu, X., Zhou, Y.*, Yuan, Z., Yang, X., Xin, X., and Zhuang, S (2023). A conflict cluster-based method for collision avoidance decision-making in multi-ship encounter situations. Ocean Engineering, 288, 11603
[6] Tang, Y., Mou, J., Chen, L., andYang Zhou*. Review of Ship Behavior Characteristics in Mixed Waterborne Traffic. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(2): 139.
[7] Wang, W., Huang, L., Liu, K.*, Zhou, Y., Yuan, Z., Xin, X., and Wu, X. Ship encounter scenario generation for collision avoidance algorithm testing based on AIS data. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 291: 116436.
[8] Tang, Y., Chen, L., Mou, J., Chen, P., Huang, Y., andYang Zhou. Robust Model Predictive Control for Ship Collision Avoidance under Multiple Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2024.
[9] Liu, K., Wu, X., Zhou, Y., Yuan, Z., Xin, X., and Zhang, J.*. Coordinated multi-stage and multi-objective optimization approach for ship collision avoidance decision-making. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 287: 115888.
[10] 翁建军, 周阳. 水上飞机与船舶的港口异质交通流建模. 中国航海, 2015, 6 (2): 104-108.
[1] Tong, Y., Weng, J., and Zhou, Y.*, Liu, K. Quantitative Analysis of Collision Avoidance Actions Timing for Stand-on Vessels. 2023. 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS).
[2] Li, H., Weng, J., and Zhou, Y.*. Ship collision avoidance method in starboard-to-starboard head-on situations. 2023. 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS).
[3] Zhou, Y.*, Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S.2017. AIS data analysis for the impacts of wind and current on ship behavior in straight waterways. International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean 2017, 265-272.
[4] Zhou, Y.*, Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S.2017. AIS data analysis for nautical traffic modelling. PIANC the Netherlands: Sailing towards tomorrow.
[5] Zhou, Y.*, Weng, J., Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S.2015. Heterogeneous port traffic of ships and seaplanes and its simulation. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Paper No. 15-3697.
[6] Zhou, Y.*, Damen, W., Vellinga, T., and Hoogendoorn, S.2014. Nautical traffic modelling for safe and efficient ports. The 3rd Erasmus Smart Port Rotterdam / Port Research Centre Rotterdam-Delft poster session.
[1] Zhou, Y., Bellsol`a Olba, X. Autonomous ships: nautical traffic in ports. Port Technology International, 2018, Edition 78: Linking the Supply Chain: 94-95.
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